If you have reason to be grateful to Buzzer Buses or you would like to provide a lifeline to others, please remember our work in your will. We help local people to remain independent by providing reliable, and safe door to door transport.

Legacies ensure our service will be available in the future to help more people who will need it. We were recently able to buy a new bus with one very generous legacy, but we welcome gifts of any amount.

Family and friends can, of course, be provided for in your will but after doing this you may wish to make a gift to Buzzer Buses.

Your gift can be
a residual legacy - a gift of the remainder or a percentage of your estate after all other legacies have been made and any debts cleared

a pecuniary legacy - a gift of a fixed sum of money

If you have not made a will, we strongly recommend that you have one drafted by your solicitor. Your solicitor can amend an existing will or add a codicil. We are happy to assist and to provide you with further details.

Your gift will make a real difference
It will help to

  • Provide door to door transport for the elderly and disabled of Linslade and Leighton who are unable to use public transport; or for whom no public transport is available
  • Ensure a safe, reliable means of transport to hospital appointments, doctors or other medical visits
  • Enable users to go shopping and visit family and friends

Please click here if you would like to download our leaflet about legacies
